
Showing posts from January, 2022

AICE Media Studies Group Blog

     I decided to work with a group on the music video project. I chose to work with the same people as on the previous project. I worked with my group on a previous project, and I thought we got along pretty smoothly. Jorge Lopez and Alex Rapanos are the people with who I'm working with on the music video project. I choose to work on my project with these individuals because I believe we work well together.     In addition, my groupmates and I attended the same elementary and middle schools. I find it easier to comprehend and collaborate with my groupmates now that I've known them for a long. Alex is a terrific guy to work with since I believe he has the potential to be a great leader and is also a hard worker. Jorge is a terrific guy to work with since he is a dedicated worker who completes his tasks on time. And I believe that when we make our music video, the three of us will make an excellent team.     In addition, I believe that working in a group has numerous advantages

AICE Media Studies Intro Blog

 This will be my first blog for the final project, and it will be an introduction to myself. Christian Bundalevski is my name, and I was born on February 22, 2006, in the state of Florida. Beachside Montessori Village was where I went to middle school and elementary school. There, I had a lot of fun and met some fantastic people. Fort Lauderdale High School is where I am presently enrolled. I am a sophomore in high school, 15 years old.    I enjoy playing video games and using my phone in my free time. I enjoy playing video games both for myself and with my friends. When I'm bored and don't know what to do, I play video games since they're entertaining. My phone is primarily used to view YouTube videos and other forms of entertainment. Another thing I do on my phone is use Google to look for stuff like school-related information. Technology and how it is continually improving and easy to obtain is something that inspires my curiosity. I've known how to solve a Rubik'