"Proximity" is a short film directed by Ryan Connolly and produced by Triune Films. The film falls into the action genre. Common Sound in the action genre: Sound is a crucial element in any film, and the action genre is no exception. Action films often use fast-paced, intense music and sound effects to match the high-energy action on screen. In "Proximity," the sound design is used to great effect, with the use of suspenseful music and sound effects adding to the tension of the film's action sequences. Common Mis-En-Scene in the action genre: Lighting, Action, Makeup, Performance, and Setting. These elements can all contribute to the overall look and feel of a film and can be used to help define a genre. In the action genre, these elements are often used to create a sense of excitement and intensity. In "Proximity," the costumes and production design are dirt and rugged, adding to the film's wretched aesthetic. The action sequences are well chore...
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